Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Redesigning Yourself ... From the Future

I spend a bit time every week in the future.  Specifically, I go in my future living room, have fabulously delicious coffee or a single malt whisky with a friend and visit about the past --- from the future.  The conversation always starts with, “And that’s when it really starting happening for me…” 

At Bellallura, we talk about the magic of neuroscience.  And, this technique is very magical.  Not in the “wizardly” sense of the word, but in the magical ability to create something new from what’s happening right now. 

We can redesign both our present and our past. From the future, it is easier to see that something that didn’t work out was profoundly helpful because it guided away from something and to something new. As I look back at those times, I can see that’s when I started developing so many of the abilities, skills, and talents that are magical tools for me now as I create my future. 

Why don’t you spend a bit a time in your future?  Maybe, you want to start the conversation with “That’s when I first began to fully develop my beauty?” Or, “That’s when I began to learn how to live powerfully.” 

                                           Here’s your portal.  Take the bold, audacious step to your beautiful and powerful new life.