Saturday, June 25, 2016

Loving Yourself Makes Your Old Memories Become New Memories

You and I are always re-designing ourselves, who we are, how we look, and how others see us.  We are even re-designing our memories.  How does a "memory" get "re-designed"?  Well, it happens very naturally.  We retrieve a memory, see it, feel it, and, in many ways, re-live it.  Then we put it back into our memory.

What we store back into our brains is not exactly what we retrieved. Why?  Because it has now been re-felt and re-lived by our present self.  Who is now storing this memory? Our present self who has just experienced it, rather than our high school self who originally stored it.

It is altered by who we are right now, how we see ourselves, and how we see life. It's a damn good reason to love yourself right now. I am attaching Nina Wang's fascinating blog for HuffPost.  Nina is a student, McGill University.

Now what does this mean?  Well for one thing, if we view ourselves today as attractive, athletic, and effective, this will influence what we re-store into ourselves.  Who we are and are becoming impacts not only how we view the past, but also our very memories themselves.

Let's get in tune with our beautiful, vibrant, bold, and audacious self today.   Here's to


  1. And at my age, I've re-experienced and re-felt and re-stored millions of memories ~ in my own beautiful, vibrant, bold and audacious way !

    Barbara Zumwalt Rauch
